As you prepare for your transition out of the military, you will need to draft your resume, market yourself and apply for jobs that interest you; but before you get hired you have to get through the interview process. Interviews can be intimidating especially if you aren’t prepared. A lot of service members join the Armed Forces right out of high school and unfortunately, your time with the recruiter doesn’t count.

Let’s start with the basics. There are many types of interviews to include In person, phone and video. Regardless of what type of interview you have; it’s important to always remain professional. If you have a phone or video interview be sure to select a private setting with little noise and distractions in the background.

One of the most important tips is to PRACTICE!! Practicing ahead of time will help you answer questions with confidence. Here are some common interview questions:

  1. Can you walk me through your resume? Be sure you know exactly what’s listed on your resume; especially if you didn’t write it yourself.
  2. Why are you interested in this position? Practicing your response will be helpful when answering this question. You don’t want to pause and try to think of a response on the spot.
  3. What are your salary expectations? Most jobs will post the pay range up front but some positions don’t; so you need to be prepared to answer this question. A great tip is to do your research ahead of time to ensure your desired salary is realistic for the position.

Here are some great tips for answering your interview questions:

  1. Be specific: Use examples and try to avoid vague answers.
  2. Practice: Rehearse your stories to ensure you can deliver your response smoothly and with confidence. Try to avoid verbal pauses, if possible.
  3. Tailor your stories: Try to answer the interviewers questions with responses that directly align with the job description. If possible, incorporate competencies that the employer is seeking.

Lastly, Remember to dress for success. During your time in the military, you wear the same uniform throughout the week so be sure to purchase some business and business casual clothing. Don’t forget that old saying “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression”.

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