military pay

Military Pay and Entitlements – Special Situations
Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses Appendix A Active-duty members whose adoption of a child under 18…

Military Pay and Entitlements – PCS and Travel
Permanent Duty Travel Related Entitlements Dislocation Allowance (DLA) A dislocation allowance (DLA) partially reimburses a…

Military Pay and Entitlements – OCONUS Allowances
Overseas or Station Allowance Entitlements Many allowances are location specific and payable to those stationed…

Military Pay and Entitlements – Special Duty Pay
Special and Incentive Pays There are many incentive and special pays that are paid to…

Military Pay and Entitlements – Additional Special and Incentive Pays
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) The Secretary of the Military Department concerned will pay FLPB…

Military Pay and Entitlements – CONUS COLA
CONUS COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) When a military member is assigned to a high…

Military Pay and Entitlements – Clothing Allowances
Uniform and Clothing Allowances Uniforms are typically issued to enlisted members upon initial entry into…

Military Pay and Entitlements – How to Read Your LES
So far, we have broken down the essentials that you will see on your Leave…

Military Pay and Entitlements – Common Deductions
Deductions From Military PayAs in civilian life, there are a number of deductions that must…