Fun Fork Flowers

Do your kids love to paint but you don’t love the mess that can sometimes come with painting? We have just the fun craft for you! These fork flowers are fun and easy to do even for little hands!



  1. Gather your supplies.
  2. Put a few circles of paint onto the paper plate.
  3. Draw stems on the white construction paper with crayons or markers. (This is optional but I found this helpful for my youngest child.)
  4. Take the plastic fork and dip into the color of your choice or paint the bottom of the fork.
  5. Stamp the fork on the paper to create a flower.
  6. Continue until you have the desired look.
  7. Draw stems and whatever your heart desires!
  8. Enjoy this fun and adorable art!

This craft was fun for all ages. My older kids enjoyed creating grass and a sunshine! They were really able to make this their own! This was a fun but simple craft that allowed them to be creative and was very low mess, which I always love!

Need more fun crafts to get you through your day? Explore More with My Military Lifestyle and Crafts!

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Cassi is a seasoned Army/Air Force spouse…Yes. Her husband has done both! She has three boys. She has 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 horses. She loves to read and workout in her spare time!

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