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Anxiety and the Military Spouse (COVID-19 Edition)

Posted on March 30, 2020 by Kate S.





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Just writing it down gives me anxiety, can any of you relate?

Our lives are unpredictable, things are in a constant state of CHANGE and many of us don’t have the cushion or the luxury (yes, I said LUXURY) of having a family or many times even a SPOUSE around.

And now add a pandemic to the mix….


What can we do to curb the anxiety, when we cannot control our lives ?

Here are a few things you can do to help*

*Full disclosure, I am not a therapist, counselor or doctor…just a fellow mil-spouse who happens to suffer from anxiety and these are things that have helped me 🙂



One way I find relief from anxiety is…. exercising! It keeps the anxiety in check and stimulates my brain to focus on other things other than what I’m anxious about.

Exercise looks different for everyone! Going for a walk does wonders, yoga is also great for releasing anxiety.

If you want something more heart pumping, there are so many FREE online workouts and workout groups that you can do right from home!

Honestly, it really doesn’t matter what you do just MOVE.

Having an accountability workout partner also helps, I know with social distancing a reality, that makes it difficult BUT my workout buddy and I FaceTime and still get our workout done together!

So boost those endorphins and literally KICK that anxiety to the curb.



I want to let you know first off that there is no shame in going to therapy…I repeat THERE IS NO SHAME IN GOING TO THERAPY. Even therapists have their own therapists…let that sink in.

It does not make you weak, or any less of a person…I PROMISE, if anything it makes you a STRONGER person!

There are so many benefits of going to therapy:

Getting to the source of anxiety

Treating anxiety

Coping techniques

Just Having an unbiased professional you can spill your guts to is so therapeutic.


Tricare will cover therapy, for providers in Network, so find a therapist today—>

I know with Covid-19 it may be harder to find a therapist but many have switched to online therapy from the comfort of your own home so give it a try 🙂


Self Care

In this crazy time of kids not being in school, and everything is pretty much shut down, it may feel like self -care is the last thing on your mind, but IT IS STILL SOOOOOOO IMPORTANT. 

Here are some small things to do to initiate self care:

Read a book

Take a Bath

Partake in Your Hobbies

Taking a nap

Have Zoom Happy Hour with friends

Watch trashy TV

Eating chocolate by yourself in the bathroom… haha 😉

I could go on, whatever it is that you enjoy doing, be sure to set that time aside for yourself. Schedule your time into the calendar like you would any appointment and just do it!



Sleep keeps the anxiety at bay but sometimes anxiety keeps the sleep AWAY! It can be a vicious cycle.

Before bed, try to calm the mind and body with relaxation  and breathing techniques. 

Make your bedroom a calm, serene environment that induces sleep. And although its easier said than done, going to bed EARLY definitely helps 🙂


Have a Support System

With our lives in constant change and having to be quarantined it is still important to have one (or more people) as your constant emotional support network: Spouse, friends or  family, people you love and trust who are only a phone call or text away…no matter where you are 🙂


Busy Yourself

If you find yourself in an anxiety spiral, find something to occupy your hands and mind.

Baking, puzzles, playing games, listening to music or a podcast, cleaning are all great ways to focus your energy on something positive without leaving the house:)

Like I said earlier, I am not a professional but these are all ways that help alleviate anxiety in my life. If anxiety is controlling your life or  you are feeling depressed, please be sure to speak with your physician, who can help.



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A well-seasoned Space Force Spouse and mom of two who loves to travel, read, and workout!

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