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Red, White, and Blue Layered Drink
Posted on July 8, 2021 by Rachel Slack

The Fourth of July has come and gone, but summer is still around! Do you remember as a kid chasing down the ice cream truck, are they still even around anymore, to buy one of those red, white, and blue rocket popsicles? Maybe even as an adult? Well now you can have it as a drink too!
This drink is super easy to make and only requires four ingredients. The key secret to making this layered drink is to have the heaviest sugar content liquid at the bottom and the lightest on top, then your liquids will not mix and the drink will stay layered.
- Ice
- OceanSpray Cran-Apple Juice – Red Layer – 40g Sugar
- SOBE Pina Colada – White Layer – 25g Sugar
- Blueberry-Pomegranate Gatorade – Blue Layer – 5g Sugar
Grab your cup and fill it with ice then fill one third of the cup up with the Ocean Spray Cran-Apple Juice, following the SOBE Pina Colada drink, and lastly top it off with the Blueberry-Pomegranate Gatorade, you can garnish it with Twizzlers if you would like. For everyone who can legally drink, if you would like to spike it you can add vodka to it too. In the end you will have the most perfect rocket popsicle drink in your hands and you can reminisce on the days you used to chase down the ice cream man.
Are you going to try and make this now? If so, let us know how it turns out! We hope you enjoy it!
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