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Be Your Own Valentine!

LOVE YOURSELF -A   Milspouse’s Valentine’s Day Guide to Self Care 

This Valentine’s Day, I dare you to LOVE YOURSELF!

Yes, I’m talking to you… I see you, and if you’re anything like myself, this is how your life looks:

  1. Military First -always priority
  2. Spouse
  3. Kids
  4. Job
  5. House
  6. Errands….

Where does “me time” happen to fall into the list? Usually, allllll the way at the bottom.

Reality is, you cannot pour from an empty cup, it is time to fill your cup up with coffee, wine or whatever beverage of your choosing and give yourself a little TLC!!!

Here are some easy and inexpensive ways you can care for yourself this Valentine’s Day:

Take a Bath

Draw a bath with epsom salts, candles, essential oils, put on your favorite music, pour yourself a glass of wine and relax until you shrivel up like a prune 🙂

Yoga & Meditation

I love a gentle yoga class or even just listening to a guided meditation. it reminds you to breath and to check in with yourself while learning to be present in the moment. Not to mention it enables RELAXATION and releases any tension you may hold…I’m talking to you clenched jaw!

My go to for gentle yoga is Sarah Beth Yoga 🙂

For options to guided meditation check out:

Nap Time 

Naps are the best, and one of my favorite sources of self care! I take one when I can get one…even just twenty minutes feels amazing! So cozy up, get comfortable in your bed and catch some zzzzzzz’s 🙂

Shows & Snacks

Grab all your favorite snacks and binge watch your favorite show. Unsure of what to watch? Check out this list!

Tea Time & Read Time

Find a cozy corner, make some tea  and read a book. Get lost within the pages and enter a new world 🙂 In need of a good book? Check out Goodreads to discover genres and books you’ll love!

Treat Yourself

Who said you can’t buy yourself flowers or chocolates on Valentines Day? Nobody… so treat yourself!

I hope each and everyone one of you have a self loving Valentines Day <3

What are ways you show yourself self love and care? Please comment and share!