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Reignite Your Passion for Sports
Posted on March 9, 2023 by Lasonja
Most people grew up playing sports in school or in their free time with their family and friends. Normally when people hear the word sports they automatically think about basketball and football but there are so many other sports out there. There are action sports, aquatic sports, contact sports, the list goes on. Of course, when we get wrapped up in our busy schedules and day-to-day routine we tend to forget about our hobbies or those things we used to be passionate about.
Now that we have made it through the winter months and Spring is right around the corner this is the perfect time to reignite that passion for those sports you used to enjoy. I’ve found that getting involved in some form of sport is a great way to expand your social circle, a great stress reliever, and let’s not forget any form of physical activity is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle.
Whether you’re a military member or a spouse there’s probably something that interests you and chances are your installation can help. One of the great things about military installations is that you have free access to the gym day and night. Most fitness centers have separate areas that allow you to bring your children which is an added bonus. If you haven’t checked out what they have to offer I’d highly recommend it. I’ve seen many classes offered at my base ranging from yoga, kickboxing, spinning, and Zumba. Most fitness centers also put together Intramural teams which makes it hassle-free. All you have to do is show up and have fun.
Now, remember all sports don’t have to be hardcore or involve heavy sweating. Swimming, bowling, pilates and even walking can be great options. I’ve seen groups get together and walk around the neighborhood. This gets them out of the house and allows them to have that social interaction with other spouses and it’s great exercise. If you aren’t a fan of big groups, having one person act as your accountability partner keeps you on track and you can motivate each other.
If you are passionate and want to get involved; I also recommend checking with your installations fitness center or youth center as they are always looking for coaches or instructors to help teach classes. Don’t get stuck in the day-to-day routine. Reignite your passion for sports or find your niche and get moving.
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