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Conquer Your Holiday PCS

Posted on November 24, 2023 by Lasonja

PSCing any time of year can be challenging but moving during the holidays can be difficult and stressful for any military family. During the summer months, the kids are usually on a break from school and the weather is warmer which makes things a little easier. During the winter months, there’s so much more to pack including jackets and boots. The stress of figuring out how to keep your family and kids happy can be overwhelming especially when you are stuck in a hotel. Luckily with some planning and creativity, you can conquer your holiday PCS like a champ.

Start planning early: One of the worst things about PCSing to your new base during the holidays is that many people or offices take time off or close early. This can be challenging when you are trying to get settled or secure housing. Be sure to plan early and make contact with your gaining installation prior to departing your last duty station. Check the hours and availability of the offices you need to in-process with upon your arrival.

I’ve personally found that moving during the winter months versus the summer does help a bit with housing. The summer months are considered “Peak PCS” season and houses go quickly or because of the longer waiting lists, you may end up in hotels longer than expected which end up costing you more money.

If you have school-aged kids be sure to pack supplies and backpacks so they can start school as soon as possible and you can save yourself a trip to the store to secure supplies. That’s one expense you don’t want to deal with especially if you already have plenty on hand.

Scale things down: During the holidays you may go all out with spectacular decorations, a huge feast, and tons of gifts. You don’t have to give up the things your family loves just scale them down a bit. You can still decorate by purchasing or packing your Christmas Stockings, a tabletop Christmas tree, and some garland or string lights.

Keep your traditions: If exchanging gifts or watching movies and listening to music is something your family does every year don’t skip out just because you are moving. Even if you are stuck in a hotel you can still watch or stream your favorite holiday movies. Make some hot cocoa and enjoy your time together. Money can be tight during a move so instead of buying tons of gifts especially when you are limited on space; try Secret Santa instead. Everyone gets a gift and you can save some money.

Enjoy your favorite meal: Don’t worry you can still enjoy some turkey, ham, and all the fixings. If you don’t want to cook especially when you have limited access to pots and pans; head over to your installation’s Dining Facility. During the holidays, families are welcome and for a small cost, you get a nice feast. There also may be restaurants in your area that are open and preparing a holiday meal. In my opinion, there is nothing better than enjoying a meal and not having to worry about washing the dishes.

PSCing can be tough no matter the time of year but with some early planning, creativity, and imagination your family can conquer your holiday move. Just remember sometimes it’s best to focus on what’s most important like togetherness, generosity, and gratitude.

Happy Holidays!

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Lasonja Williams is an Air Force Veteran. She loves sharing information and finding new ways to help others. She is also a mom of two. She enjoys blogging, baking and spending time with her family.

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