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You Know You’re a Military Spouse When…

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Month!!! It’s a tough job, but you all rock it!

We go through some things that many of our civilian counterparts don’t get. With our spouses gone and erratic schedules, not to mention moving every few years, it can definitely make life interesting, to say the least…

So let us celebrate the month with some good ole ” You know you’re a military spouse when…” memes 🙂

You Know You’re a Military Spouse When (Memes)

Since military life involves moving all over the world, it is unlikely that we will live near family. This is where our friends play a very important role—our friends become our family. We open our hearts up to new friends every few years, and the best part is that they become our BFFs. Even though we may move away, those relationships still stay strong.

Oh man, I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have tripped on these boots in the middle of the night!! I appreciate all they represent…BUT COME ON, can you please put them away!?!?!? They can be lethal!!!

Just when I think my house is exactly how I want it to be, and I finally hung up that last picture that had been waiting to be hung up for over a year, it’s time to pack up and move again.

One of the big drawbacks of military life is that our spouse is away a lot. I find weekdays are fine…it’s the weekends that downright suck. Weekend?!? What weekend? While everyone’s with their families, we are stuck holding down the fort, raising the kids solo, trying to keep sane. However, nothing can compare to that sweet relief when they come home!

Our military I.D.  card is EVERYTHING!!! Without it, we cannot get on base (which, if you live on base, can be a BIG problem) and access the commissary, exchange, and everything the base has to offer without it! So, when I approach the gate and can’t find it…. panic ensues.

First of all,  the fact that we know what an MRE is is a dead giveaway. And I don’t know about you, but after deployment, my husband had a bunch of MRE, which we store in our emergency and “just in case” box. They are perfect for that! Lol!

Oh, the “itch.” Every few years, I get a strong desire to move and have a change of scenery.  I am so used to moving every few years that I cannot fathom settling down in one place or house for more than a few years.

I know it seems ridiculous, but since military spouses move A LOT, we’ve all had horror moving stories… yes, a full trash can being packed is just one of them. A seasoned military spouse definitely knows everything must be labeled as what should be packed and NOT PACKED!!

I hope you enjoyed all the ways that make you special.

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