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Cassi’s Favorite Finds on Amazon

Cassi is a loving milspouse and busy mom of three amazing kiddos! She is always on the go and Amazon helps keep her sanity in check with ALL THE THINGS!!! Whether she is working out in her home gym or escaping reality through books, she is grateful for all of the smiling boxes at her door on the regular! She has quite an eclectic list of favorites, so I am sure there is something we have in common!

My kiddos absolutely LOVE Magnatiles! They get so creative with them, and they just keep creating with them over and over again! Every day is a new adventure with their Magnatiles creations!

Since she LOVES to read, she wanted to share this series with you as a fellow milspouse wrote them! We all love supporting our military families in their endeavors, and we absolutely love these books!

If you would like to see more of our team’s recent favorites, make sure to check out our Amazon Storefont!

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Cassi is a seasoned Army/Air Force spouse…Yes. Her husband has done both! She has three boys. She has 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 horses. She loves to read and workout in her spare time!

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