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Happy Birthday U.S. Air Force!

On September 18th, the Air Force celebrates it’s 77th Birthday! According to, President Truman signed The National Security Act which established the new defense organization, and the creation of the U.S. Air Force as an independent service, equal to the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy. Before that it was not a separate and independent service organization. The military purchased its first air craft in 1909. The Air Force had many names before it’s true founding. It was once the Aeronautical Section, Signal Corps (1909); Aviation Section, Signal Corps (1914); United States Army Air Service (1918); United States Army Air Corps (1926), and United States Army Air Forces (1941). Yes, you read that correctly it used to be a part of the Army! 

Our journey with the Air Force started in 2019 when my spouse was first stationed at Nellis Air Force Base. However, I wasn’t totally new to the Air Force because I had the privilege of working right across the street from the Air Force Academy for several years.  My favorite day of work was Air Force Graduation and watching the flyovers. We also had the pleasure of being close to NORAD and always love to watch Santa fly around the world! 

The Air Force has taken our family on a lot of journeys and I look forward to many more years to come. We left Nellis Air Force Base and spent a few years at Laughlin Air Force Base. After that we had a brief stint at Offutt Air Force Base and then after 9 months there, we PCS’d to Lackland Air Force Base. We love the parade field here! Several of the air planes shown are from there! We are very thankful to the Air Force for the opportunities that it has brought our family and we look forward to celebrating its 77th birthday! Fly-Fight-Win

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Cassi is a seasoned Army/Air Force spouse…Yes. Her husband has done both! She has three boys. She has 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 horses. She loves to read and workout in her spare time!

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