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It’s Time to Get Your Hobby On!

Do you have a hobby? A few years ago, I took an interest in baking and I’ve been honing my skills ever since. Now is a perfect time to learn a new skill. There are so many hobbies out there. The best advice I’ve ever received was to find hobbies that make you happy, improve your health and it doesn’t hurt to find a hobby that can earn you some money. If you don’t have a hobby but want to pick one up, here are a few ideas for inspiration: reading, baking, puzzles, hiking, painting, sewing, jewelry making, gardening, crafting model planes and cars, or yoga.

Taking up a new hobby is also a great way to meet new people. In the military community, since we constantly PCS, it’s always good to find a village that you can connect with. You’ll be surprised to find how easy it is to start up a group or join an existing one. A new passion that my office took up was putting together puzzles. It’s a great way to take a little breather and connect with your coworkers. Everyone comes over to help put the puzzle together and when it’s done someone volunteers to purchase the next one.

A few years ago, I found a store that, ironically, is all about hobbies. If you haven’t taken a trip to Hobby Lobby® lately you must go and check it out. There are so many aisles dedicated to all kinds of hobbies. Here are a few pictures from my last trip. What an extensive collection of puzzles and model cars!

Do you have a favorite hobby? Let us know in the comments!

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Lasonja Williams is an Air Force Veteran. She loves sharing information and finding new ways to help others. She is also a mom of two. She enjoys blogging, baking and spending time with her family.

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