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Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day the Inexpensive Way

Posted on March 1, 2023 by Kate S.

You don’t have to be Irish, per se, to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day! Here are some fun way to celebrate on a budget!

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day the Inexpensive Way

Ever since I was little, I loved Saint Patrick’s day, always dressing in green, eating all the corned beef, Irish soda bread and cabbage I could fit in my belly. I do have a  wee bit of Irish in me  and I love to embrace it.

So embrace it with me and celebrate this St. Patrick’s Day the Fun and inexpensive way!!!

1.Prepare the traditional St. Patrick’s Day feast of corned beef and cabbage


Want to try your hand at it? Here are some recipes 🙂 I am not a huge fan of plain potatoes so I make colcannon, which is an Irish version of mashed potatoes…I left you with that recipe too and its delicious 🙂

Corned Beef Recipe

Irish Soda Bread Recipe


2. Throw a Potluck St. Patrick’s Day Party  

(PhotoCred:Oriental Trading Company)

This is what my friends and I plan on doing, we are each bringing a traditional Irish dish and just plan on having a good ole time!

3.Don’t get pinched…Wear GREEN

(PhotoCred:Keep Calm-o-matic)

Green is sooooo not my color, but I make it work on this day! Pull out some green, get crazy and creative and have fun with it!!!

4.Watch Irish movies

(PhotoCred:Washington Times)

Below is a list of all the best Irish movies 🙂

After browsing the list I may have an Irish movie night! Two of my favorites on that list are: Brooklyn and The Quiet Man, if you’re looking for a good Irish chick flick, I highly recommend  both 🙂

5. Drink Guinness…or green beer


After visiting the Guinness Factory years ago , I have a newfound love for this Irish beer…but if its not your thing don’t fret!!! Grab the beer of your choice and just add a few drops of food coloring and Viola! Green Beer! Not a drinker?! Enjoy just color your water or clear soda green  😉 Cheers!! Or as they say in Ireland, Slainte!

6.Make every meal green…

PhotoCred: The FW

From smoothies, to salads, and green veggies, add a little green to your diet not only is good for you but perfect for today! Are your kids green with envy? Serve every meal green…green pancakes, green mac n cheese, green mashed potatoes…you get the gist 😉

7. Go to a Parade

(PhotoCred: Travel Channel)

Get into the St. Patrick’s Day spirit by going to a Parade….it’ll be sure to put you in the mood to celebrate the day and its free!!!!

8. Learn about the Irish History and the History behind the day.

(PhotoCred: The Spruce)

Not only is Ireland full of greenery but it is also full of  very interesting history!!  If you want to learn more about Ireland’s history, for instance,  why St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17 , or why potatoes are big there,  and other fun facts check these out:

St. Patrick’s Day History

Ireland’s History in brief

What a great way to celebrate this holiday by learning it 🙂

9. Get the kids into it

(PhotoCred: The Spruce)

This holiday is not just for adults…nope! Kids too can join in on the fun. In fact, now that I’m a mom I always get excited to get my girls in on this day, and this year I found a few more great ideas  and things to do with kids for this special day.  This year I also planning on doing  a little  leprechaun trickery   😉

10. The Craic ( pronounced crack ) is 90

(PhotoCred: Irish Central)

NO not the drug…it means Having a WONDERFUL, FUN TIME, AWESOME  AMAZING TIME  ( I think you get the drift)  in Irish !!! Just make your own fun and enjoy the day!!

(PhotoCred: The Spruce)

What are some ways you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Please comment and share 🙂  I wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday!!

 Go dtí an chéad air eile– Until Next time!!

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A well-seasoned Space Force Spouse and mom of two who loves to travel, read, and workout!

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