Have you ever wondered what you should do with all those boxes you acquired after your PCS move? Or realized you moved into a house with absolutely no storage space? Creating your own storage baskets may be an answer to your problems! Store toilet paper in your bathroom on a shelf or under the cabinets in one, or blankets in the living room in a larger one.

Save some, or all, of those moving boxes and create new storage space for your new homeโ€ฆor old home too! The great part is you only need four items all of which can be found at most stores on your base.

What you need:

  • Cardboard box
  • Thick Twine
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Fabric or Pillow Cases

How to Make:
1 – Find a moving box the size you want your storage bin to be. 

2 – Use the hot glue gun to glue the thick twine around the box horizontally. Keep wrapping it around until you reach the top. Start from the bottom.

3 – Line the box with fabric or a pillow case then add in whatever items you would like to store in it.

So now the question is how many storage bins are you going to need to make?