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What To Wear – Military Ball Edition

Whether you are brand new to the military or a highly seasoned spouse, making sure you are wearing something to fit an occasion is always a question that comes up. Every social media spouse group I am in gets flooded with questions on what one should wear to their upcoming ball when the season pops up. So, let’s talk ball attire.

Military Balls are a formal event. Your spouse is going to be in their “fancy uniform” or Dress Uniform. They will pull out all the medals and pins, making sure they are all leveled and spaced out appropriately, and shine their dress shoes. Keeping this in mind, you want to stay in line with the required dress typically notated on the invitation.

Formal Attire

Most balls for significant events, like the birthday of the service branch, request formal attire. With an event like this, you want to wear something you would wear to a black tie event. Think long gown or elegant pantsuit if dresses are not your thing.

Semi-Formal Attire

As a Navy Spouse, we have smaller balls like the Khaki Ball to welcome newly pinned chiefs. This special event is a little less formal. The spouses wear Service Khakis and the civilian guests are asked to wear semi-formal attire. For semi-formal events, typically cocktail, midi, or maxi dresses, pantsuits, or jumpsuits are recommended.

My Rules for Ball Attire

No matter if it is formal or semi-formal, I always ask myself the same two questions:

  1. Am I comfortable? – If you are not comfortable in your outfit, you will only worry about how you look and will not have any fun. This is a night out with your spouse, and all you should be worried about is having a great time.
  2. Do I feel confident?– Again, if I don’t feel confident, I will only focus on that and not on having a good time.

Finally, the biggest piece of advice I was told during my first year as a spouse that has always stuck with me: If you have to ask if the dress is too short or revealing- it probably is! We hope you all have an amazing time, while looking spectacular, at the Military Balls that you will be attending!

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A salty, seasoned Submariner Spouse living the Navy dream!

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