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Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Are you looking for some amazing ideas for your Elf on the Shelf? Then, look no further, as we have a bunch to share with you! We even have a list that you can print to make it even easier to plan! So, let’s get started!!! Not sure where to start? Then, check out our Elf on the Shelf 101 blog!

For our Gingerbread, he likes to use the FREE font called Candy Cane or sometimes he was known to have a year of Curlz as his special font that you can download and utilize throughout the season! That helps with possible handwriting matches! A quick note for the Candy Cane font…you will need a different font (I use Comic Sans) for any sort of punctuation/extras. In our house, the PUN-nier, the better as you write your messages (if you are going to write any)!

We have made a list of over 35+ ideas that you can easily do to help you make it through this Elf on the Shelf Season!

  • Elf packs their lunch by wrapping each item in wrapping paper
  • Elf is fishing in a bowl of goldfish crackers
  • Elf is hiding in a stocking
  • Elf gets all wrapped up in wrapping supplies
  • Elf gets into the stickers and has stickers all over himself
  • Elf is building a snowman out of marshmallows
  • Elf is building a snowman out of toilet paper rolls
  • Elf makes a snow angel in powdered sugar or sprinkles
  • Elf is hanging out in the blinds
  • Elf is drinking pickle juice because they are a BIG DILL
  • Elf swallowed gum and now a bubble (aka a balloon) is coming from his rear
  • Elf gets onto the printer and make prints of himself
  • Elf is playing a card game with other characters
  • Elf shows his love with a heart made from candy or other treats
  • Elf has written a message on the mirror (in dry erase marker)
  • Elf is reading
  • Elf has made a SHOE-SHOE TRAIN out of everyone’s shoes
  • Elf writes a message in toothpaste on the bathroom counter
  • Elf is TOASTY (he is in between 2 slices of toast)
  • Elf is hanging out somewhere really high
  • Elf writes messages in the kitchen in colored sugar or other foods
  • Elf hides candy canes around the house for a candy cane hunt
  • Elf draws on the eggs in the fridge
  • Elf TP’s the Christmas Tree
  • Elf goes mini golfing (small straw as club, green paper for the greens, marshmallows for golf balls, toothpick flags in a marshmallow to mark the hole, etc.)
  • Elf sELF-portrait
  • Elf makes it snow (hang cotton balls from the ceiling)
  • Elf is just hanging around (hanging from anything really)
  • Elf plays a game (uno, guess who, go fish, etc.)
  • Elf snowball fight with other characters (use marshmallow, cotton balls, white puff balls, or small crumpled paper as the snowballs)
  • Elf melts a snowman (in a pan put some water, 2 branches, 3 buttons, a baby carrot, and 2 googly eyes)
  • Elf makes donut snowman faces (mini white powdered donuts for faces, chocolate chips or mini M&M’s for mouth and eyes, and an orange candy for nose)
  • Elf goes to the gym (use 2 marshmallows and a toothpick for a barbell to bench press)
  • Elf goes sledding (make a small “sled” and have a paper towel “mountain” that Elf is going down)
  • Elf hacks the family technology and puts their selfie as the background on all devices.
  • Elf gets tangled in Christmas lights
  • Elf pops out of a cereal box (ones with faces like Rice Krispies or Elf Cereal)

It’s even printable too in Black & White or Color!

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Jenn is a seasoned Air Force spouse , who loves being a boy mom. She's been a blogger for over 10 years and loves being a teacher, no matter the size of the class!

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