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VSO 101

What is a VSO? It is a Veteran Service Organization…but what does that mean? A…

Debt Reduction

Eliminating debt frees up money used for payments and saves interest. Doing so frees up…

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Learning the Lingo Series: Military Family Life Acronyms & Terms

In this part of the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Learning the Lingo Series, we are…

Survivor Benefit Plan

What is the Survivor Benefit Plan? The Survivor Benefit Plan is a Department of Defense-sponsored…

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Learning the Lingo Series: The Phonetic Alphabet

For our first Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Learning the Lingo Series, we are going to…

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Learning the Lingo Series: A Guide to Military Acronyms & Terms

E4, AD, CO, TDP, MP, Chief…so….many…..acronyms….and….terms!!! We are kicking off our Whiskey Tango Foxtrot –…

Members Only | PCS-Proof Your Glam: Beauty & Skincare Packing Hacks

Explore the South Dakota Black Hills!

Sometimes the military gives you orders to a duty station you are very excited about,…

Finding Your Tribe: How to Build Your Military Support Network

This is one of my favorite parts about being a military spouse, even though sometimes…

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