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Military Pay and Entitlements – PCS and Travel
Posted on April 9, 2024 by Charlie Marlow
Permanent Duty Travel Related Entitlements
Dislocation Allowance (DLA)
A dislocation allowance (DLA) partially reimburses a service member for expenses incurred when moving a household. The DLA is a flat amount based on member’s grade and dependency status as well as the effective date of orders.
Entitlement to DLA DODFMR Volume 9, Chapter 6, paragraph 6 and you can find the current DLA rates at Dislocation Allowance.
Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)
Temporary Lodging Expense is an allowance that partially reimburses a service member for lodging and meal expenses while staying in temporary lodging in the CONUS during a PCS. TLE is calculated incorporating the local per diem lodging ceiling along with the meals and incidental expenses rate. The entitlement may be paid for up to 7 or 14 days depending on the PDS location and may not exceed $290 per day, therefore may not cover all lodging and meal expenses incurred.
TLE is governed by The Joint Travel Regulation paragraph 050601. The Defense Travel Management Office website Temporary Lodging Expense has an extensive FAQ section on TLE.
Military Pay & Entitlements Series
1. Introduction
2. Basic Pay
3. Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) – Food Allowance
4. Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAH) – Housing Allowance
5. Common Deductions
6. How to Read Your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)
7. Uniform and Clothing Allowances
8. Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)
9. Special and Incentive Pays
10. Additional Special and Incentive Pays
11. Overseas or Station Allowance
12. PCS and Travel
13. Special Situations
Military Pay & Entitlements Series – Printable Version of the Whole Series
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